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In this video, you will learn about how to choose topics and make an epic presentation. Presentations are important and you need to know how to give them. Even better if your presentation gets an epic result! And that’s what you will learn how to do in this video. If you need subtitles, click on CC to display English subtitles.

Here is the video script:

Hey, it’s Carl Kwan. So guess what the number one question is that I get about presentations?

Choosing topics!

Duh! It’s right in the video title!

Anyway, choosing a presentation topic stresses a lot of people out and that’s totally understandable. Maybe you have a school presentation, or something for a business meeting, or a job interview; whatever it is, a presentation is always important.

I’ll never forget the first time I did a presentation and got a great reaction from the audience. It was in high school for history class and not only did I get a good grade, but it completely altered my teacher’s and my classmates’ perception of who I was. It was epic! Before epic was ever a cool word.

So how can you get an epic reaction to your presentation?

Well, first you have to know how to choose a presentation topic, and the basic questions to ask yourself are:

  1. What is the goal of the presentation? Or what are the expectations?
  2. Who is the audience?
  3. What’s the real problem, issue or challenge your audience is facing?
  4. What do they want to hear?

But here’s what will help your presentation stand out and become epic…

Ask yourself what would go beyond expectations and knock people’s socks off? Something that would really leave a great impression.

You see, in everything we do there’s always what’s enough to meet expectations and then there’s that something extra that people weren’t expecting. For example, it could be a dry topic but you somehow find humour in it and your audience is entertained.

The point being that the something extra doesn’t have to be something major. It could be something small that the audience finds fun, relevant, interesting or memorable. Try looking at the presentation topic from a different perspective. If you can do that, your presentation, and you, will be far more memorable and epic. Always a good thing!

So, to sum up…Prepare what’s required by asking yourself…

  1. What is the goal of the presentation? Or what are the expectations?
  2. Who is the audience?
  3. What’s the real problem, issue or challenge your audience is facing?
  4. What do they want to hear?

And then try to think of that something extra that people won’t be expecting and hopefully, you’ll deliver an epic presentation.

If you found this video helpful, be sure to like and subscribe and check out my other presentations videos, too. Thanks and talk to you again soon.