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This week, we’re going to show you a couple of English presentation expressions you can use to begin a presentation and get the audience’s attention. What you’ll learn is how to use a simple question or statement that’ll quickly engage your audience.

Why a question or statement?

A good question or statement at the start of your presentation can quickly get the audience’s attention and keep it throughout your presentation…

Like a good suspense or mystery

Suspense or mystery writers always put questions into the viewer or reader’s mind… Who did it? How’s it going to end? And so on and so on.

The key is that the audience is interested in the process and the outcome of the story. You can do the same thing in a presentation by giving the questions to the audience.

For who and for what kind of presentations?

Since your audience is likely other humans, they will be interested in how the story, your presentation, turns out. When you introduce an unanswered question or unresolved outcome, people naturally want to fill the gap in their minds; in fact, this is called gap theory.

Therefore, you can adapt this to any presentation, if you follow what you’ll learn in the video.

Questions to Start a Presentation:

  1. How can I/we/you _____?
  2. What would I have to _____?

Statements to Start a Presentation:

  1. I propose that ____
  2. I/We have a goal to ____

Next Week…

We’ll show show you how to end this type of presentation.

Here at some other ways to start a presentation:

How to start a presentation with a quote [VIDEO]
15 Seconds To Success Or Failure
3 Step Presentation Introduction: The Problem / Solution Presentation
