I received this question from sonu and wanted to share my answer with you. I often get this type of question from people, so I hope my answer here will help other people, too. The original question was asked here: Sample Presentation: How to start and end a presentation in 2 minutes 37 seconds
Here is the question…
hello sir,
i am a student pursuing my engineering…i ‘ve a presentation on acoustic localization of aircraft next week.. i wanted to know what can be my introductory statement for this topic to give a good start… and how do i end it…
My answer…
Hi sonu,
Who is the audience? What do you have to talk about specifically? Why do you need to talk about it? Why should the audience care?
If you know the answers to those questions, it will be much easier to think of what to say to start your presentation. Your ending can be a recap and what you want your audience to do with the information you shared with them.
Hope that helps.
Hi Carl. I’d add that your post about telling the audience they’re wrong could be great for this, as it’s such an unusual and attention-grabbing start:
It really made an impression on me, as it’s so different from the norm. It makes the audience think, and it certainly makes them sit up and take notice!
By the way, not sure if you’ve seen it, but recently I posted about the 1 reason behind all presentations:
Near the end of that post, there’s a chart that compares the emotiveness and informativeness of different content types (like photos and tables). I’d love to hear your views on that.
Thanks Craig! I almost forgot about that one!
And yes, I’ve seen your post about the reason to present. Brilliant work, my friend!
hi carl my friend has a presentation in her college talking about her self likes dislikes her introduction so hw shud she start abut herself