I found out how to get 157 advanced PowerPoint templates – FREE!
These are templates that include lots of animations and unique graphics. This is a really great set of templates that I think will really help your PowerPoint presentation.
Please watch the video as I introduce these cool PowerPoint templates and where to get them.
Video length 2:16 (no idea why the video lags…sorry)
[pro-player width=’480′ height=’365′ type=’video’]http://www.presentationexpressions.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/video-presentation-expressions-resource-free-advanced-powerpoint-templates-100203.flv[/pro-player]
This is where to download the free PowerPoint templates: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/powerpoint/HA103380101033.aspx
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com’s templates are all available as Adobe PDF downloads, which makes them really user-friendly and accessible to most internet users. While the scalp is fighting the infection or trying to protect itself from the physical trauma or injury, vital nutrients are diverted from hair follicles and used instead to try and heal the scalp. This program guides you through creating a quality presentation which utilizes animation, sound, and other effects for maximum impact.