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You’re in for a real treat this week, especially if you are a student that needs to give presentations or perhaps you teach presentations.

We have Tim Thompson as our Featured Pro this week and Tim is a Visiting Professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), which is basically the Korean MIT.

So, I’m going to keep this short because we’ve got a 16 minute interview with Tim we want you to check out.

Hope you enjoy the interview and let us know what you think or if you have any questions about what Tim says.

Like we mentioned, this is a great interview and it is suitable for anyone, not only students, because you’ll get a kind of checklist for how to determine whether your presentations are successful or not.


Here is Tim’s bio:

Tim Thompson (MA TESOL) has been teaching in universities in Korea for more than ten years. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Daejeon. Tim is a lifetime member of KOTESOL and serves at the coordinator for KOTESOL Teacher Trainers (KTT) and the Editor-in-Chief of The English Connection magazine. Tim is the CEO and co-founder of Education Anyware, an e-learning design and consulting company which creates and records simulations for language practice and testing. He is also the creator of the Teaching English at KAIST (TEAK) Podcast on iTunes and the Blagonwight Twins book series which can be read for free in many languages at Visit Tim’s professional website at or send him an email