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How to select presentation topicsOne of the toughest things about presentations is choosing a topic. Lately, I’ve received quite a few comments and questions about choosing a presentation topic. So, in this week’s video I’ll show you a simple 3 step process to choose presentation topics that rock! (Or that aren’t boring)

You can watch the video to learn the process or just continue reading below the video.

If YouTube is unavailable in your area, click the following link to download or view the video: How To Choose Presentation Topics That Rock (Length 4:33)

How to choose proper topics for presentations

Don’t worry

I realize you’re worried about choosing the right presentation topics. It’s probably just about as stressful as introducing yourself and starting your presentation. You don’t want to make a mistake in selecting your presentation topic. The reason is the wrong topic could get you a bad grade in school, you could look stupid in front of other people, you might lose your job, or you might not get that big sale. All legitimate concerns.

What you can do about it

To help you stop worrying about how to choose a presentation topic, I’ve come up with a simple 3 step process that’ll make selecting a topic relatively quick and painless… But you’ll have to use your brain and that sometimes hurts, at least for me 🙂

The steps are really simple and are: Who, What, Why

Let’s have a look at each…

Step 1 – Who: Audience Demographics

You need to find out 7 things about your audience. Once you know these things, you will have a clearer picture of who your audience is. This will help you narrow down your choice of topics. The 7 things are:

  1. Age
  2. Occupation
  3. Gender
  4. Where they’re from
  5. Education
  6. Income
  7. Ethnic background

This is an important first step because you don’t want to talk about something your audience doesn’t care about or doesn’t know anything about. If you do, you lose their attention before you even get started.

Step 2 – What: Situation/Problems/Challenges/Pains

Now you need to do a bit of thinking and research because you have to get an idea about the audience is going through in their lives. Why?

You need to do this because you have to understand what they are dealing with, either internally or externally, so you can choose a topic that will resonate with them. You see, people generally only think about themselves. That’s just human nature and psychology… therefore, you need to understand the audience’s current situation to trigger an emotional response from the audience.

Once you tap into their emotional needs, you have their attention. So think about what the audience is dealing with in terms of their situation, problems, challenges, or pains. Then you can further narrow down an appropriate topic.

Step 3 – Why: They Should Listen Because…

Finally, we want to determine why the audience should listen to your presentation. You do this by looking at your answers in Step 2, then figuring out some relevant consequences the audience may experience.

This can be very powerful if you think in terms of what your audience wants to avoid happening. This can be something that is happening to them now, or that may happen if they don’t resolve their situation, challenge, problem, or pain. Nobody wants to continue his or her suffering if they don’t need to.

One key here is to provide a simple, step-by-step solution to the audience’s situation…Kind of like what I’m doing here. This makes it easier for the audience to comprehend and implement what you will talk about.

Recap: How to choose presentation topics that rock

That’s it! Here are the steps for Who, What, and Why once again:

Step 1 – Who: Audience Demographics

Step 2 – What: Situation/Problems/Challenges/Pains

Step 3 – Why: They Should Listen Because…

As always, if you have any questions or comments, it’d be great to hear from you. Leave your questions or comments below this video or use the Contact page to get in touch and we’ll help you out as much as possible.

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